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Saturday, May 5, 2012


Curing -Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed, the entire surface of the newly.  placed concrete shall be red in accordance with one of the following methods as approved by the Engineer :

a. Burlap 1 mats or Damp fabric.

The surface shall be completely covered with fully Treated mats or Damp fabric throughout the curing period and as specified by the Engineer,

b. Damp sand .

This cannot normally be applied until the day after the concrete has been laid and must be kept  damp throughout the citring period . Before this some other curing process must be used, such as waterproof covering on light framework.

c. Waterproof covering

The waterproof covering such as paper shall be lapped of least 45 cm and cover the whole surface  and sides of the pavement for 7 days after the concrete has been placed.

d. Impervious membrance method,

The entire surface of the pavement shall be sprayed uniformly with white pigmented curing compound immediately after the finishing of the surface and before the set of the concrete has  taken  place, the curing compound shall not be applied during rainfall. Caring compound shall be applied by mechanical sprayers.

The curing compound shall be of such character that the film rill harden within 30 minutes after application, It is very important that the rate of spread be uniform and the coverage in accordance with the manufacturer instructions.

 Repair and Frectection

a.       Repair or replace broken or defective concrete as directed by the Engineer. b.                      The  thickness  of  the  pavement  shall  be  determined  by  average  caliper measurement of cores tested in

accordance with AASHTO T146.

Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete bonded to pavement with epoxy resin grout.

c,                       protect    concrete    from    damage    until.   acceptance1       of    work.


Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14days after placement.

d.     When construction traffic is permitted, maintain payment as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occure.

e.     Sweep concrete pavement and wash free of stains, discolorations, dirt  and other foreign        material                          gust                                           prior to final inspection.

Traffic Barkings

Traffic     marking     shall     be     done      with                      approved     manufactures recor.   imended                procedure  and   aqxuipment.    The                         width   of      traffic Barkings shall be 15cm and the painting shall be performed only when the existing surface is dry and clean,  the temperature is above 5 °C     and when the weather is not  excessively windy  , Austy or foggy.

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