1.1 Description
preparation work consists of site clearance, survey, cutting, imported fill,
embankment and construction of ditches for drainage. Work of this section
includes all measurement and materials required to complete the supply,
execution and construction of site preparation.
1.2 Site Clearance
The contractor shall
clear, from all areas planned for the work, all buildings, materials, debris,
etc, prior to the cutting and filling work taking all necessary precautions to
prevent damage to the existing road structures and buildings or other
facilities, in the area, which shall not be demolished.
1.3 Survey
Prior to commencement of the
work, the contractor shall check the existing bench marks and reference points
located on or out of the site as indicated. The contractor shall establish newly
standard bench marks and points for the works within the site with the agreement
of the Engineer.
Prior to execution of the works the contractor shall check
the existing reference points, and the results shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval.
b. Principal
Principal points shall be established taking advantage of the
existing reference points.
Individual principal point posts shall be of wood,
15cm x 15 cm size, with an indicating nail on the top, the surface of the post
above the ground shall be painted white.
c. Bench marks
When establishing bench marks
within the site, a minimum
of one (1). back and forth leveling operation shall
be carried out. Establishment of temporary bench marks shall be determined and
performed by the contractor. Temporary bench mark posts shall be of wood, 12cm x
12cm x 100cm in size, with an indicating nail on the top, the surface of the
post above ground shall be painted.
d. Other
Setting out for survey shall be done with the agreement of the
The Engineer may issue instructions or orders for surveys to
supplement those listed above or for different surveys with which the contractor
shall promptly comply and carry at this own expense.
1.4 Protection from Water
In case of rain,
the day’s works shall be stopped so as to confine damage due to rainfall to a
minimum. According to the site conditions, temporary drainage ditches shall be
provided. In cases where ditches, damage ditches etc. become blocked with sand,
earth, etc, such shall be immediately removed. Broken slopes shall be
immediately repaired. In case where swamps, pools etc. which are not shown on
the Drawings are found, such shall be drained.
1.5 Cutting
Cutting refers to excavation of
the natural ground of cut sections. preparatory drainage and disposition of
ditches at the cutting sections f temporary disposition, loading, hauling ,
unloading and spreading of the cut soil at embankment sections , and other
temporary works necessary. such excavation shall be carried out in accordance
With the Drawings and specifications and as directed by the
1.6 Surface
The finished cutting and embankment shall be roughly leveled, a
deviation, of approx. 5cm from the proposed height shall be allowed. Slopes
shall be protected from damage due to weather during the execution. Final
surface finish shall be executed after completion of building work it shall
cover the depth after settling to that the levels indicated in the Drawings and
specifications are met.
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